Blog Archive

Friday, September 25, 2009

shekh saadi

If a gem falls into mud, it will still remain valuable.
And if the dust descends to heaven, it will still of no value.

The Pearl
A raindrop, dripping from a cloud.
Ashamed when it saw the see.
‘Who am I where is a sea’, it said.
As it saw itself, from the eyes of humility
A shell embraced him and makes him a pearl.

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The Alchemist
The Alchemist dies in frustration and sorrow.
And the fool finds a treasure in a ruin.

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Dry Wood
Green wood can be bent.
But once it becomes dry, it can only be straightened by fire.


One who has vanity and conceit in his head
Imagine not that he will ever hear the truth

The Barren Tree
No one throws stones at the barren tree.

The Elephant Keeper

Make no friendship with a elephant keeper
If you have no room to entertain an elephant

Safety and Riches.

Deep in the sea there are riches beyond your imagination
But if you seek safety, that is at the shore.

Horse and the Camel

An Arab horse speeds like no other. But it is the came that though plods slowly, goes by day and night.

If you cannot stand a sting, do not put your hand in scorpions nest.

Kings and Dervishes.
Ten devishes can sleep beneath one blanket
Two kings cannot rein in one kingdom

The Sick Man

Throughout the long night a man wept
For the sick man beside him
At dawn the visitor was dead.
And the patient alive.

Heedless Man
One who gives advice to heedlessness is himself in need of an advice.

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